These are the few of the main benefits of Glass bedding rifle, utilizing Pillar Bedding Method.
1. Even and stress less seat of barreled action in stock bed, both walnut and fiberglass. There will be no bending of barreled action when guard screws are tightened into stock. Bending of action will happen when seat in stock bed is not even. Usually this is a magnum problem, to overall performance of rifle, scope, and sighting the rifle scope in.
2. Perfect fit of action to the stock bed, eliminating all micro movement between firings. Dampens action and barrel vibration when firing. Improved rifle accuracy, and holdsstable sighting in, between hunting seasons securely, due to pillars in stock.
3. Less vibration of barreled action in rifle stock bed, when firing. Better group accuracy of rifle.
4.The Pillar bedding method eliminates the effect of changing wood or fiberglass in stocks, so the accuracy and rifle sighting in, is not affected during changes in warping, bending, expansion, and after curing of fiberglass stock.
5. Glass Bedding rifles will increase accuracy, sometimes by up to 150 % in group size. For example a rifle shooting 1 to 1.5 inches at 100 Meters/yards may give you 0.500 to 0.700 inch groups after bedding,and even better! Rifles that are performing better in unbedded state, will increase accuracy, as an example from 0.500-.700 inch groups and go down to 0.250 to 0.350 inch groups, after stock bed and barrel bed. Think about the potential this will give you at longer ranges, lets say out to 500 yds/meters or further out ?
The Rifle Bedding Book is an Adobe PDF E-Book,with clear, comprehensive and descriptive photographs and instructions, of how the average rifle shooters can professionally pillar bed their rifles . Resulting in improved accuracy and consistency. The only thing needed is a Glass Bedding Kit, few common tools, battery drilling machine, wood chisels and sandpaper etc. And good instructions which are in the Rifle Bedding Book. Easy to follow instructions step by step of a stock bed, pillar bedding method that has been over 40 years in use. The most accurate rifles for Precision Bench Rest Competition, are glass bedded by this pillar bedding method.
This pillar bedding method is used for varmint rifle, hunting rifle, tactical rifle, and target rifle bench rest. The rifle in Rifle Bedding book is Remington 40X-BR From Remington Custom Shop. For illustration purposes.
Glass bedding instructions are utilized for bolt action rifles single shot and magazine, hunting rifles, tactical rifles and varmint rifles.
To you dedicated rifle shooter !
Only accurate rifles are interesting, and worth owning and shooting. Do you agree ?
Long range rifle shooting at 1500 yards. Testing Seco Zoom rifle scope 4x50x75.Testing was done with my Heavy Bench custom rifle, 7 MM Remington Magnum. Hart Barrel Hart trigger. Action is Universal, sleeved and accuriced by B.R.S. Custom rifles. Stock is Lee Six modified.This rifle has 1 World Record set at IBS Nationals in Ohio in 1988. Chambered for 6 MM B.R.S. I designed myself.
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